Hello friends of Bali Interio, sometimes limited space becomes a very surprising thing for us, we want to have a functional space but we have to how to design the room because the land is limited, but also want to sacrifice the comfort of the space. There are several parts in the dwelling that are often neglected, such as the space under the stairs, for example, even though if designed properly the space can work optimally. In addition, to create a comfortable workspace, we must pay attention to several things, namely, air circulation, lighting, and furniture selection. Here is an example of a small space office design that can be an inspiration for your workspace design.

under the stairs into a workspace

The downstairs room is a room in the house that is often forgotten and left empty, even though if it is designed in such a way it can become a mini office for work. If used properly the space under the stairs can become more functional. In addition, for a workspace like this, you should avoid piling up unnecessary items and chairs so that the space becomes neater and more comfortable.

Empty attic becomes workspace

sometimes there are several dwellings that have an attic space above the dwelling and usually the attic becomes an abandoned place and becomes a warehouse. If the design with the right attic space can be a comfortable workspace to work.

Small workspace from the rest of the space in the room

sometimes there are people who are very comfortable to be in the room once a day, and like to do their activities in the room, especially during a pandemic like this, surely everyone is often active in the room. The remaining space in the room can be transformed into a mini workspace if it is designed properly and can provide comfort for those of you who like to work in the room. Using minimalist furniture will certainly make the workspace more neat and organized.