Hello friends of Bali Interio, having a narrow room makes us confused to choose the right furniture. One piece of furniture that is sometimes interesting to choose is a wardrobe. Sometimes with just a bed, the room already looks very narrow, so you have to find a way to choose a wardrobe that fits a narrow room and not only size, the wardrobe must also be maximized. Those are some tips for choosing a wardrobe for a narrow room.

Measure the size of the room

It must be known first how much free space is left after the entry of the mattress in the room, if possible the size of the mattress should not be too large so as not to take up space. In addition, you can also determine the type of wardrobe that is right for the room.

How many occupants of the room

Banyaknya penghuni kamar berpengaruh pada pemilihan lemari, jika tinggal di kamar sendiri maka tidak perlu membeli lemari yang besar untuk kamar sempit bukan? Jika barang yang akan dimasukkan kedalam lemari banyak, maka seleksilah. Pilih barang yang setidaknya memang dipakai sehari-hari. Jika memang barang yang lain tetap ingin dimasukan dalam lemari, pilihlah lemari yang memiliki banyak sekat sehingga peletakannya dapat diatur dan dibagi.

choose a minimalist design

The minimalist wardrobe design is suitable to be applied to rooms with a limited area. This design can also give its own aesthetic in the bedroom. In addition to the minimalist design model, the choice of color in the wardrobe is also one of the factors that gives the effect of a wider room, such as neutral colors or those containing natural elements such as wood. choose a wardrobe color with a dark color that will give the impression of a room that is not spacious and full. The material in the wardrobe must also be considered so that it is durable. Use materials made of wood or alternatively use cabinets with multiplex material, plywood, teakblock or MDF.

After knowing the tips for choosing the right wardrobe for a narrow room, we also have to know what kind of wardrobe model is suitable for a narrow room. Here are some choices of wardrobe types that can be applied to narrow rooms

Wardrobe that blends with the wall

This type of cabinet can produce large storage space while maintaining tidiness. Usually this type of wardrobe design is made specifically because it gives the dimensions of space on the wall and the model varies.

Wardrobe with sliding or sliding doors

A wardrobe with a sliding door model does not require space for the door to be opened. Cabinets with door models like this are now becoming popular and seem elegant but still functional and save space.

Wardrobe with mirror

With a mirror that is attached to the cupboard, you don’t need to buy additional mirrors and of course save space. And the presence of a mirror also gives the impression of a large space.

Closet that integrates with the mattress frame

The wardrobe can also be combined with the mattress frame and is usually suitable for children’s rooms so that it is more multifunctional and saves space. Usually in the form of drawers only, so it can not only store clothes but also can store other things.

Wardrobe with lots of storage drawers

Wardrobe with hanging space usually takes up more space, so a wardrobe with lots of drawers. This way you can have a lot of storage space.
Here are some choices of wardrobe types that can be used for narrow rooms. If you have a lot of items and don’t fit down for a minimalist wardrobe, you should choose the items that will be put in the closet. So things that are not really needed can be given to people who need it more.